The environmental effects of deep sea fishing
Jack Zapp Asuncion Block 1 September 13, 2016 The Environmental Effects of Deep Sea Fishing All over the world, people depend on deep sea fishing for food and income, but it can be extremely harmful to the environments that it disturbs. Ocean wildlife is disappearing quickly, and deep sea fishing definitely a factor. There are many forms of deep sea fishing. One of these includes what is known as “bottom trawling,” in which nets, cables, and large steel plates, are run across the sea floor in an attempt to find any fish or other animals that may live there. Unfortunately, during this process, many sea creatures including coral and sponges, are killed (DSCC “The Problem”). Trawling today also gives access to underwater canyons called, “seamounts,” which have a rich biodiversity and according to Dr. Frederick Grassle of Rutgers University, “"We know that seamounts support large pools of undiscovered species, but we cannot yet predict what is on the ...