Books Over You

You call me weird, you call me crazy, 
You say that I'm a mess. 
That books have changed me, but not for good, 
That I've become obsessed. 

I stay in my room, wrapped in a blanket, 
Reading a really good book. 
You say books are stupid, that they are dumb,  
But you haven't even had a look. 

I'm antisocial, a loner you say, 
I never spend any time with you. 
You say you're my friend, my best friend,  
But the distance between us grew.  

You tell me that you know me,  
That you will always be there, 
But you were never there when I needed you,  
Never there, I swear. 

Where were you when I needed you, 
When my days were bad. 
Books were there when I needed a friend,  
Or if I was just sad.  

Books taught me many things, 
I don't just learn in school. 
They taught me to be strong, be wise, and be brave 
And that being me was better than being cool.  

You, on the other hand, gave me pointless advice 
That I needed a whole bunch of things, 
That you who are inside didn't even matter, 
And beauty was everything. 

Books are there when I need to escape, 
Catching me when I fall, 
And were you there when I needed you the most? 
Nope, never there, not at all.  


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