
Lila Abu-Saleh
Ms. Asuncion
English 9 Honors, Block 2
13 December 2016
            Recently I finished Karen Lynch‘s book Rogue, the final book in its trilogy.  This book is about a girl named Sara Grey who is half Mori, a person who has a demon living inside their body, and half faerie.  Throughout the whole book series she tries to come to terms with her having a demon inside her.  All the supernatural beings living in the shadows are real and Sara just got thrown into their world.  Specifically in this book she is trying to defend her loved ones from a Master vampire that is trying to destroy her world.  In the other books the Master tries to break her by killing her dad “Why did you send Eli to kill my father? He was nothing to you.”(Lynch 300), taking away the safety of all her homes, and turning her Uncle Nate into a vampire.  “If we had met before, you’d be dead.” I leaned forward in my seat, and she took a step back. “You met my uncle.” (Lynch 291).  “But I was doing this for him and everyone else I cared about. None of us safe as long as the Master was alive.”(Lynch 6-7).  The Master is hunting her, in a way, because a warlock told the Master a half-breed (Sara) was destined to kill the Master.  “One of my guests was a warlock named Azar who was known for his gift of sight. Azar stupidly waited until after Madeline had gone to tell me he’d had a vision when he saw her. He told me that Madeline’s half-blood daughter would destroy me.”(Lynch 301).  All while the Master is hunting Sara, she meets her grandfather, some new friends, and eventually her mother, who left Sara and her father alone for a majority of her life, but most importantly she meets her soulmate or Solmi, Nikolas.  Can she save everyone she loves or will she lose the person she loves the most?
            While I was reading this book it reminded me of when we read The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell.  The Master is hunting Sara like General Zaroff was hunting Rainsford.  Also this book reminded me that we all have to face our demons, whether they are literal or figurative demons, we still have to deal with them on a day to day basis.  All in all I enjoyed reading the book, and trilogy, it was a magnificent experience.  I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about the supernatural and want to join Sara Grey on her quest to find the Master and save her loved ones.

Work Cited

Lynch, Karen. Rogue. USA: Karen Lynch, 2015. Print.


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