Rohan Nannapaneni
Ms. Asuncion
English 9 H
2 February 2016
What are the Causes and effects of global warming?
            In many sci-fi movies, the earth is either getting destroyed, or you are unable to live on earth. Many people watch these movies not realizing that these movies may not become fiction anymore. Global warming is a dangerous effect that if it become worse, it can have devastating effects on everybody. Global warming is the increase in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere due to greenhouse effect which is caused by dangerous pollutants in the sky. Global warming is caused by many factors, it affects the earth, and we can’t stop global warming.
            Global warming is very dangerous to anything that lives and breathes. Global warming is caused by many factors, but it’s mostly man made.  In New York, there are at least 120,000 cars driven everyday. Cars need petrol or diesel (which are fossil fuels) to be able to work. If fossil fuels burn, they give off carbon dioxide which is one of the main reasons of global warming. With billions of people using a car everyday, this is a majority of why global warming is becoming worse. “Today’s CO2 levels are around 400 ppm. That’s 30% more than the highest natural levels over the past 800,000 years.” (Environmental Defense Fund, 2016) With the increased amounts of CO2, the earth is getting hotter, which will cause many devastating effects.
            Global warming is caused by man releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. This causes three major things. Water levels rising, increased weather events, and increase in temperature. Many people don’t realize that increased levels of water are devastating. When the ice caps melt, all that goes into the ocean. “Sea level rise accelerated .12 inches (3 millimeters) per year on average worldwide.” (Live science, 2014) This is doubled than the levels in the 20th century which is .7 or 1.6 mm. If this continues, big ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica will melt. Rising levels of water is not the only dangerous thing, with more CO2 in the air, the sea is absorbing it which is making the sea more acidic. This cause many sea creatures shells to melt because of the acidity. Many coral reefs which are common, would be unable to live in the sea and become much rarer.
With climate change, weather is becoming more dangerous. Not only is it getting much hotter during the summer, but it is also becoming much colder in the winter.  Storms are becoming more destructive and more frequent. Which can cause damage to houses, cities, and can hurt people. Although hurricanes may become less frequent, it will become much more devastating. The increased temperature is not good as well. “Deaths from heat increased by more than 2,000 percent over the previous decade.” (Live Science, 2014) Increased heat causes ice to melt, more dangerous weather, and can cause death.
Many people are trying to stop global warming, but it can’t be done. “The fact is that there is no one in the world who can explain how we could cut our emissions by four fifths without shutting down virtually all our existing economy.” (Skeptical Science, 2016) This means every country has to stop most of the source of CO2, stop gas plants, stop people from driving, and nobody can travel through anything requiring CO2. Not all countries are going to do this. If we were to stop global warming, we would need to reduce global greenhouse gas by 50 percent by 2050. Some argue that we don’t have the technology to be able to reduce emissions in a short amount of time. Global warming is a wake up call from the plant to stop what we are doing, and start paying attention to the earth. We need to stop using CO2 and stop using so much greenhouse gas. We may not be able to stop global warming, but we can reduce the amount of damage it can cause us.
            Global warming is a dangerous event which could devastate everyone. Global warming affects the temperature which can cause many food supplies to go bad and many crops to be destroyed. Global warming can cause the sea to heat up which can cause some fish and plants die in the sea. Finally, global warming cannot be stopped, but we can reduce the amount of damage it could cause us.

Bradford, B. A. (2014). Effects of Global Warming. Retrieved February 20, 2016, from
Climate Science Glossary. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2016, from
Human activity is causing global warming. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2016, from



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