If Only I Was A Bird

Lauren Janoschka
Ms. Asuncion
English 9 H
October 2015
If Only I Was A Bird

If only I was a bird,
Then I could fit through the fence,
And then I could fly far, far away,
To the field of blue and white.

I look through the thick bars,
The ones  that keep me caged.
Through the bars I see the field,
So large it would devour me.

Sometimes the field turns somber,
And tries to turn as black as the deep ocean,
But I know the field isn’t black because of sadness,
Because twinkling lights make it alive.

Even though the field is so wide,
And a little bird like me could get lost,
I still wish these bars didn’t hold me in,
And I could swim in the field’s colors.

Here there is no color,
And the warmth has disappeared with it,
Not wanting to protect me anymore,
Yanked away by the grey all around me.

Here the wings of another do not shelter me,
Shield me from the monsters,
The darkness that creeps through the stars,
Seeping into my cage.

If only I was a bird,
And I could sail through the darkness.

Through the stars.


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